Privacy Policy -

Important Information

We collect some personal information when you use our website, and because we take your privacy seriously, we provide the following Privacy Policy, which describes what information we collect and how it is used. This policy may undergo revision, modification or amendment at any time, and we encourage you to revisit and read it regularly so that you remain informed of any changes to its content.

By accessing and using our website, you are indicating your understanding of the terms described in this policy and your agreement with them. If you disagree with any of the terms of this policy, you should discontinue your use of the website immediately.

This website is not meant for the use of anyone under the age of majority, and we do not knowingly collect personal information about such persons.

Your privacy is our concern, and we take strict precautions to ensure that your personal information is never damaged, lost or misused.

This policy applies to the data we gather on the desktop or mobile website, through email correspondence, and through any applications owned by us through which the website content is accessed.

Sometimes we provide third-party links on our website. The parties to which we link may collect your personal data. Please be sure to read their privacy statements, as we do not control these third-party websites or services and are not responsible for their policies.

Questions about this policy may be sent to us through our contact form.

Personal information we collect

We may collect different types of data from you when you visit our website depending on whether you choose to become a member or remain an unregistered visitor to the website as follows:

A. Members - When you register for membership to the website, you voluntarily provide us with a username, password and email address. You also may voluntarily provide information to us in your emails or feedback. When you interact with the website, we gather information about your interests and preferences, and we also gather technical and usage information as described below (see 'Browsers' below).

B. Browsers - We collect passively provided information from all users of the website, which includes information such as your IP address, time zone, geographic location, and other technical information about your device and the actions that you take while using the website.

How information is collected

The following describes the ways in which we collect your data:

Passive Collection - Automatic collection of data takes place when you visit our website. The data collected includes your IP address, browser type and version, operating system, time zone and geographic location, and other such technical data.

Active Collection - We collect personal information from you that you disclose to us directly when you complete the registration form on the website, post materials to the website or communicate with us by any method.

Use of personal information

The main purposes for which we use your data are the following:

- To provide the website and your ability to interact with the website's features

- To display content and advertising that is in line with your interests

- To carry out research and analyze data for the purposes of website maintenance and improvement

- To diagnose and fix technological problems that interfere with the website's operation

- To enable us to communicate with you and provide customer support

- To comply with applicable law and law enforcement, to ensure compliance with our terms of service, and to fulfill any legal obligations

Disclosure of your personal information

The following lists the parties with whom and the circumstances in which we may share your personal information:

- Service providers who enable the efficient operation of the website, and only for the purposes of providing their services

- A buyer or legal successor in the event of a merger, divestiture, restructuring, reorganization, dissolution, or the sale or transfer of any or all assets in which personal information is among the assets transferred

- Law enforcement agencies, government regulators, courts and any such organizations for the purposes of meeting legal or regulatory obligations or to protect our rights or the rights of other people

Rights of users

You have certain rights regarding the information we collect about you, which you can exercise by contacting us. These include the rights of access, correction, erasure, restriction and transfer. You may also request a copy of your information or withdraw your consent for its use.

Transfer of Information

By using the website, you agree to the possibility of transfer, storage, and processing of your information, by us or third-party service providers, to and in countries that may have less stringent privacy laws and/or be outside the European Economic Area.